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Cari colleghi, amici e appassionati delle redinilunghe! Sono davvero orgogliosa di far parte del primo International Single Challenge. Visto che la prima prova di questo grande evento si svolge nella mia patria, non posso che avere buoni auspici in meritoed ho grandi aspettative per il fine settimana del 19-
Linn Stokken Nielsen
Dear Colleagues, Friends and Drivingfans!
I am really proud to be a part of the first
International Single Challenge.
When this big premiere also takes place in my home
country, I have only happy thoughts and great
expectations for the weekend of 19-
Single drivers have a large network all over Europe
and all over the world. Now the spectators of AEG have
the opportunity to watch eight of the best single drivers of the world do what
they do best. This is a big opportunity for driving-
that there are many drivers on many levels in Norway, and that there will be
room for events like this in Norway in the future.
The sport is growing in my home country, which I am very proud of. With a little
help from our NF and all the competent people who make an effort for driving
sport, I am sure we can lift the sport to a higher level in Norway!
We will show fit, well educated and happy horses. As a single driver, there is no
excuses, no places to hide. There are no spare-
wrong. You are performing with one horse, your friend and loyal companion.
Horse welfare and good and clean sport is keywords in single driving. This is
the spirit which is present at single driving events.
This is the spirit we wish to show the visitors of AEG!
Linn Støkken Nielsen